HTML and includes access to the GitHub repository with the source Markdown / LaTeX file and an example application."> HTML and includes access to the GitHub repository with the source Markdown / LaTeX file and an example application."> Our iOS, Rails, and Backbone.js Books Are Now Available for Purchase

Our iOS, Rails, and Backbone.js Books Are Now Available for Purchase

Caleb Hearth

Starting today, you can buy any of our books through these links.

Our book offerings currently include:

Each of these books comes in MOBI, EPUB, PDF, and HTML and includes access to the GitHub repository with the source Markdown / LaTeX file and an example application.

For the interested, for the past few months these books were included in and exclusively available through our subscription learning product, Upcase.

We determined that the books were not a good fit for Upcase, and so now we have split them out.